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Join our

Neurodiverse Talent Community.

Neurodistinct Adults face a 30-40% unemployment rate. We seek to change that.

Join Now

Whether you’re searching for a job or not, the NDTC hopes to provide ND’s with opportunities for peer support, access to resources, including tools, tips and perspectives from other ND’s.

For those on the job search, we also seek to connect you with roles that speak to your interests and experiences, with organizations that have proven commitment to creating an inclusive, psychologically safe culture.

If you’d like to work for a company  that  is:

Potentia partners with leading organizations that are committed to listening and learning about you and the neurodistinct community, instead of encouraging assimilation and masking.


Potentia partners with leading organizations that are motivated to offer competitive pay and opportunity for advancement.

Receive Resources

Benefit from our original ND-created tools, tips, resources and perspectives.

If you would like to:

Gain access to our mailing list to receive any announcements, future initiatives, and new resources.

Give & Get

Gain opportunities to receive and/or provide peer support and network with other ND professionals.

And you identify as neurodistinct

[including but not limited to:]

Autistic – Strengths:

Concentration, Fine Detail Processing, Memory

ADHD – Strengths:

Resilience, creativity, conversational skills, spontaneity, and abundant energy.

Dyslexic – Strengths:

Visual Thinking, Creativity, 3D Mechanical Skils

OCD – Strengths:

Good organisational skills, Imaginative / creative, Attention to detail, Empathetic

PTSD – Strengths:

sense of responsibility, valuing of connection

Tourette’s – Strengths:

Observational Skills, Cognitive Control, Creativity.

What members are saying

“Any job that you can get with Potentia’s help is definitely going to meet your needs, especially since finding companies that are neurodiverse-friendly can be really hard without help. But at least there’s a lot more companies that are willing to take a chance on neurodiverse people and see the value in them nowadays.”.”
– NDTC Member

“The program has helped me communicate better. I’ve also been reminded, once again, that so many different communication and working styles exist. None of them are wrong, they just differ – all of which can be effective.”
– NDTC Member

How to Join

Join the NDTC below by clicking JOIN NOW
and attaching your updated resume.

(Don’t have a resume? See our Resume Tips here.)